Odor Remediation & Sanitizing
Certified Ozone Technician
We Specialize In
Ozone Shock Treatment for Odor Remediation
Electrostatic Spray Sanitizing
Call Today For A Free Estimate!
National Ozone Association
People spend more time inside than
at any other time in history.
With improved building designs and materials, homes are more energy efficient. The bad news is that these structures are unable to breathe, unable to let fresh air seep in to dilute the contaminated air trapped inside.
Have you ever walked outside after a rain storm and noticed how fresh everything smelled?
It is partly due to the Ozone that was created during the lightning storm. Did you know, activated oxygen (Ozone or O3 gas), has been approved by the USDA Organic Label program as a sanitizer in both aqueous and gaseous forms? That's right, Ozone is a USDA ORGANIC label approved sanitizer!
Ozone oxidizes airborne pollutants, and then reverts back to oxygen, transforming polluted air to clean and re-freshened air. In as little as 10 seconds, burst of Acivated Oxygen or Ozone gas kills Viruses, Bacteria, Mold, Mold Spores and Odors a whopping 3,125 times faster than chlorine.
How Ozone Eliminates Odors
Oxygen molecules (O1 and O2) are converted to ozone (O3) by either a high-voltage electrical charge (such as from lightning) or by ultraviolet light (such as from the sun's rays.)
One oxygen atom (O1) splits off from the ozone molecule and reacts with the other particles when it comes within range of the particle and/or pollutant. Ozone is is highly reactive, so it nevers fails to initiate this reaction with other particles. As the 2nd most powerful oxidant in existence, the single oxygen atom proceeds to "oxidize" the particle it reacts with. This means it burns the particle, which changes its physical properties. As a result, the particle will no longer be toxic, and will no longer be able to reproduce if it is biological. In other words, the particle becomes completely harmless.
When the single oxygen (O1) molecule oxidizes the particle, it too is destroyed. This leaves behind the O2 it split away from, or pure and clean oxygen.
Ozone kills viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew, germs, odors and moch more! The best part? It doesn't cover up odors and germs, IT DESTROYS THEM!
Ozone neutralizes airborne pollutants as well as sanitizes any surface it contacts. If you have removed the odor source but have been unable to remove the odor, we can help!
Precautions When Using Ozone
No People. No Pets. No Plants.
This is for unoccupied spaces only.
We use high volumes of Ozone for a shock treatment to the ares. Ozone Treatment times can vary depending on the severity of the issue, usually no more than six hours. Areas are ready for occupancy one to two hours after the treatment is completed.
Smoke odor, pet odor, cooking odor
and musty odors can all be eliminated.
We are not a cleaning company, rather a sanitizing service. Our methods are environmentally friendly, with no harsh chemicals and no residue left after treatment.
We also offer a sanitizing service
Using an electrostatic sprayer and an EPA registered sanitizer, a more thorough coverage is acheived. The electrostatic charge makes the sanitizing particulate drawn to objects with an attraction coefficient fifteen times greater than gravity.
The electrostatic force field is so powerful, the plume reverses direction to coat hidden and hard to reach surfaces that would typically be missed by conventional spraying or misting equipment. Our sanitizing service recommends people and pets be vacated. Areas are ready for occupancy 30 minutes after the treatment is completed.
The Many Uses for Our Ozone
Odor Remediating & Sanitizing Service
Allergy Relief ~ Animal Odor ~ Apartments ~ Athletic Equipment ~ Cars / Trucks / SUV's ~ Cigarette Smoke Odors ~ Classrooms ~ Coffee Shops ~ Condos ~ Carpet Odors ~ Day Care Centers ~ Dog Shelters / Pounds ~ Dorm Rooms ~ Duct Sanitizing ~ Dust Mites ~ Fire Damage ~ Flood / Water Damage ~ Food Odors ~ Foreclosure Homes ~ Furnitiure Odors ~ Gymnasiums ~ Hotels / Motels ~ Hunting Gear ~ Locker Rooms ~Mold / Mildew/ Musty Odors ~ Nursing Homes ~ Real Estate ~ Restaurants ~ RVs ~ Schools ~ Tobacco Odors ~ Urine Odors ~ Vehicle Odors ~ Viruses
Testimonial From A Satisfied Client
"While helping my Dad move from his house I was overwhelmed by the pungent pet odors. I called Odor Remediation & Sanitizing to see if we could remove the odors. I must say I was truly amazed by their ability to remove all of the odors, even after 6 weeks of the house being sealed up the odors were completely gone. Highly recommend to anyone looking to freshen up their "space."